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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ocean Pond Bike Rides

We have been camped at Ocean Pond campground in Osceola National Forest for the past 12 nights. Our plan is to leave on Thanksgiving morning. The weather has been sunny everyday this week. The high temperatures have been between 68 to 75oF, the lows have been in the high 40’s.

This is the perfect temperature for taking rides on our tandem bike. It’s been 3 months since we have done any riding and besides being out-of-shape our hard seats have been punishing our soft tooshes.

Except for SR250A and the campground roads all the forest roads are packed sand with lots of little potholes that we need to keep dodging. So we bike one day and rest one day to get used to the bike seats. So far our 4 rides have totaled only 56 miles and our average speed is just over 8 mph.

We see an occasional car but these are pretty safe rides unless some hunter mistakes us for a deer, it is hunting season here in the forest.


  1. Good for you for getting back on the tandem! I'd definitely recommend picking up some blaze orange clothing (vest, etc.) at Walmart if you don't already have some, given that it is hunting season. Have fun and enjoy the ride!

  2. I agree with Emily! Wear bright colors so you don't get shot! Here I thought you were safe in FL:) Miss you guys and glad you are having fun.
