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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ending my two weeks at Lithia Springs

Lihia Springs - Spring & Swim Area
The weather was a little above normal for my first week but normal or slightly below for the second week. 

When it cooled off I finally got a chance to wash all the winter dirt from the RV and wax it. It looks great now.

Since the river was so low I didn't attempt to paddle again. I did get in 3 long bike rides throughout the Fish Hawk Trails.

Peggy on Hillsborough River (2015)

I got an e-mail from Hillsborough River State Park that the campsite I reserved for 2 days on 3/2-3 is still closed from Hurricane damage but I could stay one night on another loop.

I leave tomorrow, (2/24) to head an hour north back to Cypress Glen Campground on the Withlacoochee River for one week.

I don't take near as many pictures like I used to do when Peggy and I travelled to Mexico and Florida. I was reading some of my old trip blogs and came across this slide show of a trip with Peggy 10 years ago. Click this link: Florida Slide Show then click on the first picture to start the slide show of our trip, it wasn't that much different from my solo trip this year, but I sure miss Peggy's continuous quest for adventure and her great meals and companionship.


  1. Love th me slide show. I miss her so much. Hurry home! Love joan

  2. Aw, we all miss her!
    Be safe, Love Meg

  3. Miss mom so much. Love you and see ya soon!! Pam

  4. Waxing that big RV sounds like a big task! Missing grandma all the time, she was the best :)
